Todays guide will show you how to attach the CGA 320 adapter to your paintball tank. The way it’s typically done is with teflon tape. And I know this may be up for debate but, I’ve went through plenty refills without it and have had zero leaks. Besides, it’s what the nylon washer is for…
The items…

B: VIVOSUN CO2 Regulator with Solenoid Valve Flowmeter
C: AQUATEK CO2 Paintball Tank CGA 320 Adapter
Step by step…

STEP 1: With the VIVOSUN CO2 Regulator with Solenoid Valve Flowmeter(A) in one hand, place a Nylon Washers For CO2 Regulators- Set of 12(B) within the CO2 inlet nut (see the previous picture and use the regulator gauge for proper orientation).
STEP 2: Insert the male end of the AQUATEK CO2 Paintball Tank CGA 320 Adapter(C) into the regulator as if to squish the nylon washer inbetween the regulators CO2 inlet nut and the CGA 320 adapter.
STEP 3: Tighten the dang thing but DO NOT OVERTIGHTEN! but keep it tight… 🙂
Screw it!

It should be tight and I repeat BUT DO NOT OVERTIGHTEN. And you should end up with something that looks like this!
Next, just screw your paintball tank into the female end of the CGA 320 adapter and check for leaks. Personally, I use the soap method, which is basically taking soapy water and spraying it along the connection points of the regulator (not on the solenoid) to test for air leaks.
In this case, seeing bubbles form from the soapy water would indicate a leak.

And here’s the finished product!
Before leaving please consider the following: ALWAYS change that nylon washer! The way it works is that, the washer is essentially crushed by the pressure of the CO2.
As it enters the regulator and as the pressure decreases from tank to regulator, the washer will remain physically formed into the previous fill of the tank. So, when you refill the tank and re-use a washer, it has had time to move around.
Movement occurs in the small space between CO2 regulator inlet nut and the CGA320 adapater. This is what prevents a perfect seal when it’s time to refill your CO2 tank.
Product List:
Nylon Washers For CO2 Regulators- Set of 12
VIVOSUN CO2 Regulator with Solenoid Valve Flowmeter
AQUATEK CO2 Paintball Tank CGA 320 Adapter